5 Ways to create impactful mobile billboard advertisements

Every brand needs billboard advertising for exposure that results in growth and progress in sales, and revenue at an affordable rate such as Seattle mobile billboards. These billboards speak for your product and also revolutionize the marketing and branding methods by reaching a huge audience in the most cost-effective approach that is suitable for every client. This advertising is different than the digital way, as a huge number of audiences are influenced at the same time and in the same region. 

#1 Keep it concise and memorable

Brand designs used by Mobile billboard advertising agencies should have short readable texts which tend to create a desire to explore or increase curiosity about the product. It is important to make use of effective fonts with relevant content as an average driver has 5-10 seconds to look at the billboards in traffic. The ideal word count should not be more than 5 or 6 words due to less time to read. Therefore, keeping texts as short as possible is relatively more impactful. There should be no difficulty in conveying the intended message in a straight-forward manner.  

#2 Brand color

Every color has significance and a personality, and that’s why selecting the right design and font color can make or break your business. Every color evokes a different emotion in every person. These emotions play a major role in studying consumer behavior. Mobile billboard advertising agencies need to study consumer behavior based on color and contrast provides a framework for understanding it better and shaping consumer perception. Hence, before finalizing a color it’s important to know that it is relevant to the context of the product. 

#3 Call To Action

Directing viewers and consumers to a social media profile or website is a significant part of the call to action as this would acknowledge people even more about the brand. Advertisements can also ask viewers to call a specific phone number to inquire more about the product. As there are a lot of people driving by your sign every day, this will create a positive customer base and generate leads. Call to action is the one and the only factor to get the return on the investment and copes with the Mobile billboard advertising rates

#4 Simplicity is the key!

Color and contrast need to eye-catching and simple, yet impactful. Eliminating unnecessary words and keeping texts concise will simply increase readability and target audience easily. Simple fonts with a bold texture are usually a cherry on the cake if the content is contextually relevant. Simplicity will contribute directly to call to action and generate leads for the company. A word that is easy to remember and catchy would be a perfect choice as it is an easier way to create interactions with consumers. 

#5 Visuals

Visuals should reflect creativity and the purpose of the product should be clearly described as the drivers passing by would get a basic acknowledgment about the brand, these Mobile billboards advertisements can be humorous, questioning or baffling whatever that makes them more interested in knowing more about the product. Visuals should stand out from the rest of the ads, this increases curiosity and awareness.


Mobile Billboards advertising will never go out of fashion as it is alive as long as people don’t stop driving cars, bikes, ride cycles or even travel by bus. It is a strong and effective marketing strategy that will enhance brand awareness positively. If all the mentioned points covered are taken care of then one can make the most out of it.

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